Montana Tai Chi and Qigong Classes

Discover the benefits of Montana tai chi and qigong classes and retreats. Offered throughout the year with healthy qi, clean air, clean water, and peaceful environments promoting Healthy Bodies, Happy Minds!

  • Pagoda
  • Frog Pond

At the International Qigong Foundation, Inc., we always try to aspire to “healthy bodies, happy minds”. Part of doing that is finding places to conduct our classes. Hence we conduct many of our classes, retreats and workshops in northwest Montana at Dancing Dreamers Retreat Center.

Located in northwest Montana, Dancing Dreamers Retreat Center offers a perfect venue to learn both qigong and tai chi. Participants can choose can choose regularly scheduled classes and courses or design their own “retreats”. In addition to learning a healthy practice, we offer Asian Bodywork Therapy. At the Water Dragon Clinic we have treatments in Tuina, Fire Cupping, and Moxabustion. Each patient is given a specific Qigong form to practice in accordance with patterns identified through Chinese Medicine diagnosis.

Montana is also home to Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park, known as Glacier National Park on the US side. The park offers a perfect venue for learning both qigong and tai chi: clean air, clean water and peaceful surroundings!

Summer 2024 Class Schedule!

Each class session is $30 for Non-Members and $24 for Members.

Questions? Please contact us on the contact page!

The International Qigong Foundation, Inc