China Programs

A Journey into the Heart of China

Each year the International Qigong Foundation, Inc. will sponsors an annual journey to China. We will explore its vast history and the health benefits that Chinese Medicine has to offer. The foundation offers both a Beijing and a 14-day live-in study program, in Beidaihe China at the Medical Qigong Training Base, which offers both Qigong and Tai Chi Chuan instruction, for ALL ages and ALL abilities.

Enjoy this short video demonstrating early mornin instruction!

Feng Laoshur giving instruction in Beidaihe

There are also options to receive treatment in acupuncture and massage, and specialty classes for Chinese Medicine practitioners. In addition to classes, you will have the option to explore the ancient history of China through excursions to the Old Dragon Head where the Great Wall meets the sea, and First Pass Under Heaven.

The Medical Qigong Training Base, under the auspices of the Beidaihe Medical Qigong Rehabilitation Hospital of Hebei Province, is located 4 hours north of Beijing next to the Bohai Sea. The program is renowned throughout the world for its high level of instruction in Nei Yang Gong Qigong, Taijiquan: Yang Style, Chen Style, Wu Styles, Sun Style, Sword, Pushing Hands, and Quiescent (Meditative) Qigong, and rehabilitation using Chinese Medicine in the form of acupuncture, massage, and herbs. This study tour includes beginner’s Tai Chi Simplified Yang Style 24, Nei Yang Gong Qigong, and Quiescent Qigong.

Master Teachers

The teachers (called “laoshur” in Chinese) at the Medical Qigong Training Base have a long history as both teachers and Chinese Medicine practitioners. Each of them has “inherited” their position and carry a lineage in both qigong and tai chi (taijiquan).

Dr. Liu Yafei

Dr. Liu Yafei is the daughter of Dr. Liu Gui Zhen (please the article “The Man Who Invented Qigong”), who founded the Medical Qigong Training Base in 1956. It was the first medical qigong clinic in modern China. Patients came for treatment and clinicians came for training. Dr. Liu Gui Zhen is known as the father of modern medical qigong and coined the term “qigong” meaning “breath work”. Dr. Liu Yafei inherited her father’s work when he passed away. She has served as both the director and vice director of the hospital and medical qigong training base. Dr. Liu Yafei travels internationally lecturing in Nei Yang Gong Qigong at universities and Chinese Medicine schools. Her book, Nei Yang Gong Qigong, is used as a textbook in Germany at the universities for Chinese Medicine studies.

Master Feng Yijian

Master Feng Yijian began studying taijiquan (tai chi) with Master Li Jingwu when he was 16 years old. Master Li Jingwu was a famous Taijiquan Master for both his Taijiquan skills and Pushing Hands abilities. He was instrumental in designing Simplified Tai Chi Yang Style 24 with Master Li Tianjin and made the first instructional tai chi film, Simplified Yang Style 24, in China in 1955. Master Feng Yijian inherited from Master Li Jingwu when he passed away. He has been in practice for 45 years and is noted for his skills in taijiquan, pushing hands, and qigong treatment. Master Feng teaches and lectures in taijiquan internationally.

Dr. Xiao Yuande

Dr. Xiao Yuande is a doctor of Chinese Medicine. He was a student of both Master Li Jingwu in tai chi and Dr. Liu Gui Zhen in Nei Yang Gong Qigong. He is now a student of Dr. Liu Yafei and Master Feng Yijian. Dr. Xiao Yuande teaches Chinese Medicine at Peking University and travels internationally teaching both tai chi and qigong.

Zhang Laoshur and Li Peng Laoshur

Zhang Laoshur and Li Peng Laoshur are the “young” teachers at the school and have been in practice for over 20 years. They are students of Dr. Liu Yafei, Master Feng Yijian and Dr. Xiao Yuande in taijiquan and qigong. The both travel internationally to teach.


The Medical Qigong Training Base offers treatments based in Chinese Medicine. In China, traditionally, a Chinese Medicine doctor would have had at least a 20 year practice in both qigong and tai chi before they administered acupuncture, medical qigong or massage. The reason for this was so that the practitioner could “build up” their “qi” and create a healthy body before administering treatment to others.

At the Medical Qigong Training Base, all of the medical practitioners (teachers) not only carry a lineage but have been in practice for over 20 years. In addition to learning Nei Yang Gong Qigong and Taijiquan (tai chi), you will also have the option to receive Qigong Diagnosis with Dr. Liu Yafei, Medical Qigong treatments with Dr. Feng Yijian, acupuncture with Dr. Xiao Yuande and Qigong Massage with Zhang Laoshur and Li Peng Laoshur.

Food and Accommodations

The food at the Medical Qigong Training Base is served in the dining hall. We will primarily eat there for breakfast, lunch and dinner. There are a variety of dishes at each meal. On occasion we will also eat out in the local restaurants with the school staff. Each room has two twin size beds, windows with views, a closet and a western style bathroom with a toilet, sink, tub and shower. The rooms are cleaned daily with fresh towels if required and the bedding is changed weekly. There is internet and laundry service. The building is peaceful and quiet set amidst the pine trees two blocks from the sea.

Optional Cultural Activities

The community of Beidaihe is located next to the Bohai Sea and serves as a summer retreat. There is local sightseeing to Lotus Hills to visit Kuan Yin Temple nestled in the park hills with beautiful scenic sights. Shopping downtown Beidaihe offers the pearl market, tea and art shops, as well as restaurants. You may also rent a bike and ride around the community. Opitional tours include Lao Long Tou, Old Dragon Head, at Shan Hai Guan where the head of The Great Wall meets the sea. Walk out on the Old Dragon Head and along the beach to Hai Shen Miao, The God of the Sea Temple, known for its divine power. This tour includes lunch at the Great Wall and then in the afternoon to Tian Xia Di Yi Guan, First Pass Under Heaven. After our day of exploration, there is dinner in Qinhuangdao.

The International Qigong Foundation, Inc

The International Qigong Foundation, Inc. was created and incorporated in 2001 as The International Qigong Foundation for Social Oncology, Inc., to provide quality educational programs in Chinese Medicine, specifically qigong and taijiquan. We offer programs for all ages and abilities as well as specific programs for healthcare practitioners to share with their patients. In China, it is believed that one should take full responsibility for one’s health. As one ages, it is important to keep active and happy. A “healthy body and happy mind” is the key to longevity. When one retires in China, they keep active and happy.

Program Facilitator

Karen Nesbitt, MA, is the co-founder and director of The International Qigong Foundation, Inc. Ms. Nesbitt has traveled to China and led group tours since 1994. She has studied Chinese Medicine at Peking University, and qigong and taijiquan at the Medical Qigong Training Base in Beidaihe. Ms. Nesbitt has been a student of Dr. Liu Yafei in Nei Yang Gong Qigong since 1999, a student in Yuan Shi Xin Qigong (Medical Qigong) with Dr. Sun Xingyuan since 1994, and a student of Master Feng Yijian in Taijiquan with since 1999.

Ms. Nesbitt has taught credit courses in both qigong and taijiquan for the University of Hawaii at Hilo in the Social Science Department and non-credit courses for the Oshler Lifelong Learning Program. In 2001, Ms. Nesbitt co-produced a film with Lightbridge Productions, Healing Quest, for PBS America called “Qigong Cancer Treatment”. As a followup to that special, she developed a teaching film, “Qigong for Health” in medical qigong.

Currently, Karen Nesbitt, a licensed Massage Therapist, specializing in Asian Bodywork Therapy,  a licensed Special Education teacher and licensed School Psychologist in the state of Montana. She is a consultant with schools and special education programs. Ms. Nesbitt continues to instruct qigong and taijiquan students privately and in classes around the world as well as facilitate study tours to China.

More Information

For more information about this study tour and our Beijing Tour  or other programs we offer please visit our website and contact:

Karen Nesbitt

The International Qigong Foundation, Inc.

291 N Mud Creek Rd, Eureka, Montana, 59917 USA

Mobile Phone: (1) 808-756-1510

Email: [email protected]


Please contact us and we will be happy to answer any questions!

The International Qigong Foundation, Inc